JUSTICE SERVED: News from the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office – August 1, 2024

Former Law Enforcement Officer Sentenced to Life in Prison for Repeated Sexual Assault of Young Child

A former law enforcement officer who was convicted of sexually abusing a young girl over the span of several years will spend the rest of his life behind bars, District Attorney Daryl Bailey announced today. Judge Jimmy Pool sentenced Christopher Bauer to serve his remaining years in prison for assaulting the minor, who was molested by Bauer between the ages of 5 to 11. In Alabama, persons convicted of sex offenses against minors under the age of 12 are not eligible for parole.

District Attorney Bailey said, “It is always extremely disappointing when someone who is supposed to enforce and uphold the law commits a crime against the people they have sworn to protect. However, I do not believe Christopher Bauer reflects the character of most of the law enforcement officers who serve our country. He is a bad apple – a depraved monster who abused his power to irreparably harm a vulnerable, innocent child.”

Bauer previously served as an Alabama state trooper and was an FBI agent in New Orleans. According to published reports, he used a forged letter from the FBI to get a job with ALEA after being booted from the bureau for several sexual misconduct claims.

DA Bailey continued, “I commend the victim for having the courage to speak up about what was happening to her. She was so brave throughout her testimony, which was undoubtedly difficult for her. I hope she and her family take solace in knowing Christopher Bauer will never harm her nor anyone else ever again. My office fought for the maximum sentence in this case, and I extend my gratitude to Judge Jimmy Pool for sentencing this sexual predator to life in prison as that is where he deserves to die.”

In June, a Montgomery County jury found Bauer guilty of Sodomy in the First Degree and Sexual Abuse of a Child Less Than 12. Judge Pool sentenced Bauer to life in prison for sodomy and 20 years for sexual abuse, which is the maximum time allowed for both charges. The two sentences will run consecutively.

On April 23, 2021, the minor victim, who was 11 at the time, had the courage to confide in a trusted friend that she was being molested by Bauer, who she testified had been sexually assaulting her since she was 5 years old. A few days later, her friend shared what was happening to the victim with her own mother, who reported it to the victim’s school.

School administrators immediately contacted the Montgomery Police Department, and the investigation began. Bauer was arrested and charged the same day.

DA Bailey expressed his appreciation to Deputy District Attorneys Leanna Smith, Shaquila Jackson, and Theresa Basile for their work on the prosecution of this case. He also thanked DA’s Investigators Callie Clark and Mark Lanicci and the Montgomery Police Department for their contributions to the outcome of this trial. In addition, he expressed his appreciation to the staff at Child Protect and the One Place Family Justice Center for their assistance. Lastly, he extended his gratitude to Victim Services Officer Deborah Holt and Victim Services Officer/Facility Dog Zurg for supporting and comforting the victim and her family throughout the course of the trial.