JUSTICE SERVED – News from the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office: August 14, 2024

Eric Abram, Jr., Sentenced to Life in Prison After Pleading Guilty to 2015 Murder

District Attorney Daryl Bailey announced today that Eric Abram, Jr., has been sentenced by Judge J.R. Gaines to life in prison after pleading guilty to fatally shooting Deandre Mungro in 2015. No charges were initially filed due to a lack of evidence, but years of investigation led to a murder indictment being issued in September 2020.

The investigation established that the motive for the shooting was based on Abram’s belief that the victim was involved in the death of his brother. On May 23, 2015, Mungro was walking home from the store when Abram pulled up next to him in a vehicle and shot him once in the head, killing him. Mungro’s involvement in the death of Abram’s brother was never proven.

District Attorney Daryl Bailey expressed his appreciation to Deputy District Attorney Katie Langer as well as the Montgomery Police Department for their work on the case.

District Attorney Bailey said: “Violent acts of retaliation have no business in our community. This criminal chose to take the law into his own hands and now he is paying the price by spending the rest of his life in prison. My office will always stand with the victim and seek the maximum possible sentence against the perpetrators. Judge Gaines has sent a message to the community that he takes these cases very seriously. I want to thank Judge Gaines for this sentence and ensure the community that my office will continue our fight to clean up the streets of Montgomery.”